Any time there are changes in one's schedule, particular for children, there can be a lot of stress. Stress has been directly related not only to depression and anxiety, but also to ADD and ADHD (and other learning challenges), autoimmune disorders and chronic illness. By getting to the root and addressing the stressor (physical, chemical and/or emotional), we can help the children function easier and happier.
Here are a few tips to help the transition back to school much easier:
1. Start your regular school time routines now. Getting your child back to bed at their school-time bedtime is a great start. Their body will need to adjust to the earlier schedule and it's better to start before they actually have to start getting up earlier.
2. Start each day with a healthy breakfast. My favorite for my daughter is eggs with vegetables either chopped or shredded into the egg mixture. Eggs are the perfect protein and feed the brain the perfect food for learning. Use a "greens" product mixed with some fresh vegetables, high quality organic yogurt, fruit and blended for a great alternative. Mix it up with oatmeal one day per week.
3. Instead of ice cream for the afternoon snack, use Nature's Candy in the form of fruit to feed your child's sweet tooth. Avoid packaged foods that have chemicals and sugar that can cause your child to have the sugar highs and low and erratic behavior.
4. Make sure your child does not use any electronic equipment for at least 1 hour prior to bedtime. This will help him or her sleep much better. Using computers, playing video games, etc., activate the beta brain waves which are involved with our processing information. Prior to bedtime, we want to activate the alpha or meditative brain waves to encourage a great night's sleep. Try drinking a calming tea as part of your evening ritual and massage your child's feet and hands.
5. Make sure that stimulating toys are put away and consider painting your child's bedroom a calming color like a deep blue (for children that have difficulty sleeping).
How can Chiropractic help with Stress, ADD, ADHD, Insomnia, Depression, and more?
Chiropractic works by helping the nervous system to regulate itself properly. With the right type of adjustment for your child, it can help them be calmer and less stressed. Children are affected now more than ever by stress...too much homework, not enough play time to "process" information and get out that stored up energy. Sitting too much in class, not getting enough sleep are factors which stress out our children (and us). The right Chiropractic adjustment will help your child's nervous system work properly so the body can self-regulate the way it's designed to work.
For more information, contact us at 610-995-9355 or 267-462-4911 or visit our websites at or