This is Cody smiling, making eye contact, interacting with his family and cognitively sharp at 7 months old. After he received the MMR and Prevnar vaccine, he began to regress. He would no longer allow anyone to read to him, stopped playing with his toys, became withdrawn and would retreat to the corners of the room. He no longer enjoyed watching his favorite TV shows, would sit in his Elmo chair and stare blankly. Grunting replaced any form of speech that he had previously. When his parent's discussed this with their family doctor, they were told that this happens to boys and not to worry. They continued to vaccinate and he soon developed asthma, allergies, eczema, and chronic ear infections. By the age of 3 he became sensitive to light, texture and sound and began hand flapping and eye stimming. By the age of 5, Cody had received 34 vaccines and was diagnosed with autism. The doctors told them that their beautiful typically developing son was born this way. His mom says, "Cody was definitely not born with autism."
Cody's parents were never informed of any potential risks, despite that they are listed on the insert from the manufacturer of the various vaccines he received. His injury was never reported by the doctor to Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. If they had known about the potential for these adverse reactions, they would never have vaccinated.
Cody's story is not unique. In a Facebook group, there are thousands of parents who relate similar stories. Their child was developing normally, he/she started receiving vaccinations, then problems began. Some children screamed for hours and then became distant. Some developed chronic ear infections, difficulty sleeping, gastro-intestinal problems, food allergies, auto-immune disorders. Some even died.
These parents were not given Informed Consent prior to vaccinating their children. Some were told there was a potential for pain at the injection site (I'm not sure how a 2 month old can indicate where the pain was coming from) or painted the picture that the risks were 1 in a million (which we know isn't true based upon VAERS, even with the under reporting). Some were given a sheet listing potential adverse reactions after they had already vaccinated.
Even worse is that when their children have been injured, the doctor's always say that "it's a coincidence", or "it's normal at this age". They never admit that the vaccines caused harm.
All across the country and within the federal government itself, legislators are writing Bills to take away an individual's desire for an exemption to vaccinations. These Bills would mandate that every child receive all the CDC recommended vaccinations, on the CDC's schedule, even if that child has had a prior reaction.
With every medical procedure, there is a risk. People take for granted that Tylenol is "safe" but according to their website, it can cause acute renal failure, metabolic acidosis, hypotension, anaphylaxis, as well as minor symptoms such as headaches and muscle pain.
When you go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, the pharmacist has you read a list of potential adverse reactions and side effects for your prescription, then has you sign off on their informed consent sheet, for liability reasons.
If you have surgery scheduled, the doctor, nurse and hospital will all make sure that you have read the potential problems that can happen during surgery and being in the hospital, and will give this to you at least several days prior to your scheduled surgery so that you truly understand the risks. They must do this as part of Informed Consent. They know as long as you sign their forms that if something goes wrong, you have admitted that there was a risk and they are not responsible.
Don't you wonder when you go to the doctor's office to get your vaccination that they do not provide you with the same detailed list of potential adverse reactions? I did a poll on Facebook and out of 70 people, only 1 said that they received a detailed list of potential complications from the vaccines. Only 1!
Many times they will tell you that there is no risk with vaccinations, despite that as of May 1st, 2015, there have been over $3.1 Billion paid out in vaccine injury claims by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
The VICP was established as a result of the National Vaccine Injury Act which provided all vaccine manufacturer's and doctor's administering vaccinations exemption from any liability that might result from receiving the vaccinations, which is why doctor's offices do not provide you with adequate Informed Consent. The VICP was initiated because parent's needed a form of recourse in the event that their child suffered a severe injury.
The legal requirements for vaccine providers include:
- give parents vaccine benefit and risk information prior to being vaccinated;
- keep written records of manufacturer names and lot numbers for vaccines given;
- enter serious health problems following vaccination into a child's permanent medical record;
- report serious health problems following vaccination to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Report System.
As part of this program to be exempt from litigation, the vaccine manufacturer's need to list potential adverse reactions or events in their insert provided with the vaccinations.
What is actually happening in medical practices across the country is that parents are given an innocuous sheet explaining that there might be some complications with getting the vaccination versus information that has been exaggerated regarding the adverse problems that might result if their child were to get the disease (s). The doctor's offices don't tell you that getting the vaccination does not give you lifetime immunity from the disease and that it might not even work at all and they don't mention that getting the disease will give you lifetime immunity and will help your immune system to strengthen.
If you read the insert from Merck on the MMR vaccine, it will even tell you that one of the adverse reactions might be the measles! Other potential adverse reactions are: encephalitis (acute infection and inflammation of the brain), Guillian-Barre, febrile convulsions (seizures with a high fever), SIDS (sudden infant death syndrom)...and these are just some of them and can occur anytime during a 30 day period following the vaccination (see MMR insert).
While the media painted this recent Measles outbreak with doom and gloom, there were only about 150 cases nationwide with no deaths. And, over half the people that got the measles were already vaccinated, indicating a failure in the vaccination itself.
Consider the flu vaccine. Every year when they make the vaccine, they must manufacturer it well before they know which strains will be in existence for that year. They are taking an educated guess. This past year they guessed wrong, meaning the flu vaccine was ineffective. Despite knowing that, since the vaccine manufacturer's had already made up the vaccine, they still pushed it , despite the risks associated with receiving it. If you received the flu vaccine, were you advised of the potential risks associated with it? Did they tell you that you might get the flu or Guillian-Barre disease? Did they mention that the ingredients in the vaccine include formaldehyde, aluminum, and mercury?
So, the next time you go to your doctor and they are pushing you or your child to get vaccinated, ask them to see the manufacturer's insert that comes with the vaccine. Read it thoroughly. Take it home and fully digest the information. Ask them if they have had training in identifying vaccine injures.
Understand the risks of vaccinations and educate yourself by reading information that does not come from those benefiting from vaccinations. You can always vaccinate later but you cannot undo a vaccination reaction.
And please, tell your legislators now, on the state and federal level, that you wish to keep the ability to make the right decision when it comes to vaccinating for you and your family. Once these Bills become law, you won't be able to request a delay or total exemption, unless your child is seriously damaged and the doctor writes a medical exemption (rarely happens). What if an older child has a reaction or dies from a vaccination and you decide that you don't want to risk that with future children? You will have no recourse at all.
The vaccine manufacturer's plan is once these Bills pass for mandatory vaccinations for children is to then have adults get up to date on their vaccinations, which could be as many as 49 vaccine doses and include a yearly flu shot, whether it is effective or not.
Cody's and tens of thousands of other children's stories are incredibly sad and could have been prevented simply by advising parents of the risks associated with the vaccines.