It's been a year since my last post and I can't believe it. So many transitions in 2009 including moving to a new home across town, a new job for my husband, two new schools for my daughter, and moving to a home office for myself. Plus, I've had health issues I've been working on resolving. While all of these changes have been challenging, they appear to be for the best.
Working out of my home offers many advantages. First, if there is an emergency and it's at a time that I'm watching my daughter, she can play with all of her toys and I can see the patient. That's a huge plus as it makes me more available to those in need. The home does not offer a private entrance for my patients, so at some point I will either have to find a new home/office combo or move to an office. For now, though, it seems to be working.
A few months ago I started taking my portable adjusting table to the set of a TV show being filmed in New Mexico called, "Breaking Bad". It's been really terrific adjusting the crew who really seem to need the care. After all, most of the crew puts in very long days...12-14 hours in not unusual. They seem to appreciate having the chiropractic care available to them.
While I've enjoyed this immensely, I've also had a chance to adjust some little ones in need. The health problems have ranged from constipation to high fevers, vomiting and chronic cough. I've learned over my many years as a family chiropractor that when a child is suffering, so are the parents. The stress this causes in a family dynamic is immense.
The baby with severe constipation (also bloating and gas) has responded fantastically. After just 3 adjustments, baby, mom and dad are so much happier, it gives me such joy. The parents of the 6 week old had tried a variety of natural therapies including dietary changes and cranio-sacral therapy. None of these therapies had helped as it appears there was a strong neurological connection. The baby had birth trauma and the main thing chiropractic care does is help restore the nervous system to balance.
Just last month I also had the opportunity to adjust a 4 year old who was very ill. She had a high fever and was vomiting. Her mom called me as I had helped her daughter previously with a chronic and constant cough. Within minutes of being adjusted, her temperature dropped a full degree. Within about 15 minutes, her temperature was normal. She stopped vomiting immediately. By that evening, she had regained her appetite and the next morning was totally fine.
These experiences just renew my passion for chiropractic and to spread the word as to how it can help make you healthier. Drugs only treat the symptoms, they don't treat the underlying cause.
I urge you if you know of someone with chronic health problems, have them check out Chiropractic. While I've discussed a few types of health problems I've seen resolved, Chiropractic can help with almost any health problem. It's not invasive, safe with none of the side effects you see with medications. To find a gentle pediatric chiropractor near you go to: http://www.icpa4kids.com.
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