Autism: The Cause
There are many factors being attributed to autism. It's not surprising that environmental toxins are at the top of the list. PCB's in plastics, increased mercury in fish, pesticides on our fruits and vegetables, aluminum in pots and pans, increased pollution in the water and air, toys from China...where does it end? Consider that the constant onslaught our babies and small children receive from our environment to be the beginning of creating a toxic body coupled with the increased use of antibiotics.
Consider what life was like in 1983 when the autism rate was 1:10,000 children. Less plastic, more glass, less pollution, less genetically engineered food (although we still had DDT to deal) and far less vaccinations. If you look at vaccinations alone, the recommended schedule of vaccinations in 1983 vs the current recommendations have increased dramatically. To view the schedules, click here. While pro-vaccine people will tell you that there was less reporting of autism in 1983, it still does not account for the vast discrepancy.
While some people claim that there was no correlation between vaccinations and their child's autism, then maybe it was the tipping point. Maybe the polluted environment we live in started the process and the onslaught to the nervous system by the toxic ingredients of the vaccinations took their child from healthy or high functioning into ASD.
I have a special interest is the relationship between vaccinations and autism. The reason is because I have talked to so many parents over the years who can tell me with absolute certainty that their child was fine and developing appropriately for his or her age, then had severe changes following being vaccinated.
In some cases, the changes were "minor" following a round of vaccinations. Like high-pitched screams for a couple of hours, or restlessness. Following the next round, their child changed before their eyes. In other cases, the change was immediate...usually after the MMR vaccination.
For one particular child, the mom did not want to vaccinate but the dad did. There was increasing pressure from her doctor, family and friends as the boy got older. In the mom's heart, she knew that it would be a huge mistake. When her son was 15 months old, she relented. She told the nurse that she would agree to a total of 3 vaccinations (not shots). She brought her son to me 3 days later, limp. The boy had not eaten and had a very high fever. Despite taking him to the hospital, no one was able to help him. He had been healthy prior to receiving the shots.
When I looked at the Vaccine Card from the doctor, the boy had actually received 5 vaccinations in 3 shots. The doctor and nurse told her that it was a coincidence that the boy had the reaction...that he must have been sick without her realizing it. Fortunately, the chiropractic adjustment immediately brought him out of this detached and ill state. His fever dropped within minutes and before he left was looking at his mom. Needless to say, she would never vaccinate her son again.
I realize that there are studies that claim there is not a link between autism and vaccinations. You need to evaluate when looking at a study who actually paid for the study. Was it an independent group or was it the pharmaceutical industry with something to gain. After all, you can design a study to have the desired outcome if you choose. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) setup a committee to review the literature on vaccine side effects. They concluded that their knowledge was limited because there is
- Limited understanding of biological processes that underlie adverse events.
- Incomplete and inconsistent information from individual reports.
- Poorly constructed research studies (not enough people enrolled for the period of time).
- Inadequate systems to track vaccine side effects.
- Few experimental studies published in the medical literature. (CDC)
With regards to reporting of vaccine injuries, even the CDC admits that vaccine reactions and injuries are under-reported. In every case where a child had a reaction to a vaccination, the parents had told me that their doctor insisted that it was a coincidence, that the child must have been sick. The parents were not aware of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Serviceand when questioning their doctors, were told that they did not report this as an adverse event.
Learn the facts about vaccinations. Understand what the ingredients are and how they are toxic to the brain. For instance, did you know some of the common ingredients include: aluminum, formaldehyde (used to embalm people when they die), antibiotics, egg protein, MSG or monosodiumglutamate (a neurotoxin), and thimerosol or mercury. Mercury is considered a hazardous material...why do we want to inject that in our children or ourselves?
Go to the manufacturer's website of the vaccine your child is supposed to receive and read what the contraindications are and possible reactions. For the MMR vaccine, Merck has a long list of possible reactions including vasculitis, diabetes, convulsions and seizures, and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. For the complete list for the MMR, click here. Your doctor should be educating you about the possible reactions to vaccines. It's called Informed Consent.
Educate yourself by reading some excellent books on the topic including Dr. Eisenstein's and Neil Z. Miller. Watch the documentary, "The Greater Good Movie" by either purchasing the film or going to a screening of the film. Go to various websites such as the National Vaccine Information Center to learn more. Join Facebook groups to speak to real parents of children who have been vaccine injured. And, go to the CDC website for a list of possible vaccine reactions or ask you doctor for the insert from the vaccines for the list.
While there are still a lot of questions about the cause of autism, I don't think you can point your finger to one thing. It's most likely an accumulation of neurological "insults" to the nervous system and brain. As a parent, start by doing your own research and speak to as many parents as you can who have children on the autism spectrum. And without a doubt, educate before you vaccinate!
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