People sometimes look at me like I'm from another planet when I suggest they have their newborn or infant checked by a chiropractor. There are many misconceptions about chiropractic care. For one, many think it's only for neck or back pain, and what could an infant know about either of those problems. Another question people have is if it's gentle for newborns. Any chiropractor that has done post-graduate work in special techniques for newborns and infants can tell you that it is very gentle. In most cases, the chiropractor will apply very gentle pressure to the areas of the spine that are "stuck". With babies, those areas release quite easily.
So, how would a Chiropractor (or parent) know if Chiropractic can help their young child? Here are some ideas.
First, if you were to bring your infant in and your baby has obvious symptoms, the baby might have what chiropractors call "subluxations". A subluxation is an area of the spine with abnormal motion, which causes interference to the nervous system (abnormal function). This interference can cause an organ to not work as effectively as it would normally. (For more information about the subluxation, go to http://www.tarlowchiropractic.com). Some of the symptoms your child might have as a result of subluxations are: colic, ear infections, difficulty swallowing, difficulty latching on, restlessness, and excessive fussiness.
It's not unusual for parents to think that these problems are “normal”. Constipation, when your child is supposed to be pooping 3 - 5 times per day (newborns), is not normal. When your baby screams with colic, that is not normal. Your baby is trying to tell you that they are in pain. If your baby is biting down really hard when latching on, it is usually because of a minor problem with the jaw that is easily resolved. Many moms think that their child who doesn't want to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time is just fussy.
Here's the good news. These difficulties that many newborns and infants have can usually be resolved easily with chiropractic care. It's amazing how most parents see a difference in just one visit. Within 4 to 6 visits, a lot of these problems are usually, totally resolved. Your chiropractor will most likely also make some dietary suggestions if your baby is having digestive problems.
When evaluating an infant for spinal subluxations, the chiropractor will usually look at the following things. Please keep in mind that you can do this as well. While your baby is lying down, check out the following:
1. When looking at your baby's face, is there symmetry side-to-side at the levels of the eyebrows, cheeks and lips?
2. Does your baby’s head tend to tilt or turn to primarily one side?
3. Is your baby’s hip higher on one side forming a “C” shape?
4. Does your baby’s torso look twisted?
You can also gently move the face or torso to one side or the other and see if your baby tends to resume the prior position. If you have answered yes to any of these questions, your child, most likely, has subluxations.
Another way your Chiropractor might evaluate for spinal subluxations are by gently palpating the spine and the musculature surrounding the spine. Also, it's not unusual for subluxations to show as a baby that is very sensitive to light, sound or touch. I had one momma who would tell me that her child did not want to be picked up. That she appeared to be uncomfortable while being held and would sometimes fling her arms or head back. After a few adjustments, the baby loved being held and the mom was grateful to have her child resting comfortably in her arms.
You might ask what can cause these subluxations. Most likely, they are caused by birth. If you consider how difficult birth (even an easy birth) can be on the baby, particularly cesareans, it's easy to see how it can cause subluxations. Another cause might be if the baby was not lying in your belly in a good position. This can put a lot of pressure on the cranial bones and upper neck, where the nerves originate from that go to your entire body. A fall or even sitting too long in a car seat can also cause subluxations. I recently had a mom to come to me with an "easy" birth with a baby who was severely constipated with gas and bloating. After just a few adjustments, the baby was pooping like a champ. With each day and some minor diet modifications, the gas and bloating resolved as well.
It truly is amazing that when you resolve the underlying problem, which in most cases is the subluxation, how all of these problems disappear. When baby is happy, the whole family is much happier. The stress that a parent can feel when they see their baby in obvious pain and feeling helpless is incredible. When you feel that you are doing something, and your baby is improving, will make all the difference in the world.
Most family or pediatric chiropractors will take the time in person or on the phone to explain to you any concerns you might have about having your newborn or infant adjusted. I've seen hundreds of babies over the years helped with these problems. Take that step and check it out.
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