Tuesday, May 26, 2015

10 Questions to Ask your Doctor Before Vaccinating Yourself or Your Child

This past weekend, I was speaking with a medical professional who routinely vaccinates children. There were some pieces of information that became clear during our conversation.

1. The only training he has received regarding vaccination is on following the CDC-recommended vaccination schedule.

2. He was unaware of Vaccine Adverse Events Report System (VAERS) and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), and was stunned when I mentioned that over $3,000,000,000 has been paid out in injuries directly as a result of vaccinations. 

3. He has not been trained to do any medical tests for those with vaccine injuries and their associated gut problems. His training is only using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. He has not received any training as to who the proper health care professional would be for these type of gut problems. 

4. He did not actually know what ingredients are in vaccines; all these years, he has been administering them under the assumption that they were safe for everyone. 

5. While he was aware of the MTHFR genetic mutation because someone close to him has it and has been severely ill, he never realized that vaccines can cause severe damage to someone with the MTHFR mutation. 

I was pretty shocked that he admitted to me his lack of information on so many important pieces of information regarding vaccinations. But, this story is not unique. I've spoken to hundreds of parents who report their medical doctors seemed to be either misinformed or totally in the dark. 

I've created this list of questions in the hopes that you can ask your doctor and staff how well prepared they are in understanding vaccinations and their potential reactions and what to do if your child has one of the adverse events listed in the manufacturer's insert for each vaccine.

1. What training do you and your staff receive regarding adverse reactions to vaccines?

2. How do you determine which children might benefit from a delayed vaccine schedule?

3. How do you ensure that parents are actually given ALL information regarding vaccine risks, so that they can truly give you informed consent?

4.The Material Safety Data Sheet for thimerosal says, "NEVER mix with aluminum", yet the vaccines which contain trace amounts of thimerosal are routinely given concurrently with aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines. In view of the fact that the presence of aluminum would result in synergistic toxicity of even trace amounts of thimerosal, would you consider an alternative vaccination schedule?

5. If one of your patients had a vaccine injury, besides diagnosing them, what additional medical tests (blood work, nutritional deficiencies, gut analysis) would you perform to understand how this has affected your patient?

6. Since vaccination can only give someone partial immunity (vs lifetime immunity if you’ve had the disease) and there have been repeated vaccine failures (people who have been vaccinated still getting the disease ie whooping cough, measles), what do you recommend to make sure your patient’s immune system is strong? Have you been trained in nutrition to teach families how proper nutrition can help someone who has been vaccine injured, is on the autism spectrum, has food sensitivities/allergies?

7. Are you familiar with Vaccine Adverse Effects Report System? If yes, how many reports have you filed to VAERS?

8. Did you know that as of May 1st, 2015, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program  has paid $3,159,410,649 to people that have been severely injured by vaccines?

9. Are you aware that the death rate from measles in 1955 (before the introduction of the vaccine) was only 1:12,000 according to the CDC data, yet we are constantly told how deadly it is? And that was prior to our having more sophisticated medical options for treating severe diarrhea, pneumonia, and understanding that most measles complications were a result of Vitamin A deficiency. 

10. Do you screen for the MTHFR (MethylTetraHydroFolate Reductase Deficiency) genetic mutation prior to vaccinating your patients? Individuals who have bio markers showing inefficient folate metabolism, impaired methylation, low glutathione levels, and vitamin deficiencies (including but not limited to B12, vitamin D, and carnitine deficiency), are also at high risk for adverse reactions to vaccines because their ability to rid some of the additives and preservatives is impaired, and because their ability to excrete heavy metals is impaired, which results in neurological damage.